Kermit the frog meets BMW

The very talented cinematographer John Andreas Andersen has posted a cool making of from his work on a BMW commercial starring Kermit The Frog, directed by Mr. Stevan Treshow.

The location is Calvinia in South Africa. The area is covered by a desert, but the day the crew arrived it started raining heavily. Yes, when an expensive film crew arrives in a desert where it never rains… It starts raining! After one day of waiting, the rain stopped and the desert dried in a couple of hours.

Here is a link to the movie (Apple QuickTime required):

“The making of” on YouTube

Head over to for more details. The commercial itself is currently aired at German television.

More info and movie clips over here.

Kermit the frog meets BMW

18 thoughts on “Kermit the frog meets BMW

  1. JK says:

    Wow! My site’s been up for a day and you already found it!

    Congratulations on that AND the great work on the tv-spot.

    Any more insight on working with Mr. the Frog? πŸ™‚

    – JK

  2. Good luck with your site!

    Some info:
    I was not involved making the ad. The cinematographer John Andreas Andersen is a friend of mine and that’s why I had some “inside info” on the production.

    He might read this, but if you want to comment to him directly head over to and leave some comments there. Keep up the good work. πŸ™‚

  3. JK says:

    Done and done! πŸ™‚

    And thanks!
    (I kinda figured once I had posted. Hence the reply to myself. So anyways: YAY for spreading the word once more!) πŸ˜‰

    – JK

  4. my little syster wants the music i can find on the web 😦 can u give me the name or some help to download or the original from kermit or the spot. great work on tv πŸ˜‰

  5. Kermit sells BMW

    Here in the states, Kermit and the gang sell us Pizza Hut pizza. In Germany the muppet behind “It’s not easy being green” gets to experience the thrill of German engineering behind the wheel of a BMW.
    I’m way behind on this m…

  6. I am sorry for the fact that the photographer John Andreas had to remove the “making of” spot from his web site.

    The problem is that the “making of” was not approved all the way through Kermit’s lawyers. And, you should not mess with the lawyers of an international celebrity frog!

    I don’t know if they will be allowed to put the movie back on the net, but I will of course update this post on any further developments on this issue.

  7. : i just want the song to my little sister i download the spot on the emule πŸ˜› but the language are in german i want the song in english 😐 :s or some url to download it :

  8. Redbulljunkie says:

    i’m looking for the commercial of bmw with kermit the frog but the english version not the german where can i find it please ???

  9. I am sorry to admit that I have no idea where to find it. Disney owns the rights to Kermit and seems to be quite clever in stopping the commercial to reach more people by simply letting it flow around the internet…

    Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. People want the commercial and rights issues stops it from reaching them…

  10. […] A while ago I posted an article about the commercial because a friend of mine was the cinematographer. He posted an unofficial “making of”-movie on his web site. And, because Kermit the Frog has very expensive lawyers and because these expensive lawyers contacted the cinematographer and asked him to remove the “making of” it is now gone. The clip was filled with action and was alone a very good commercial for the new 1-series. […]

  11. As far as I know it’s a song called “LIMBO ROCK” by THE CHAMPS.

    Try Amazon, eBay, iTunes Music Store or

    …or the link from co5mo in this thread.

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