Quick ISO test of the Canon 5D Mk II


People keeps asking about test images to show the low light performance of my new Canon 5D Mark II. So far I find it pretty amazing. The image above is a comparison of my old 400D at iso 1600 and the new 5D at iso 1600. Both images shot in RAW and converted with Canon DPP.

Because the 5D looks so good at iso 1600 I also did the same with the 5D at iso 6400.


In addition to this I have put together a flash animation that shows you the same image at different ISO values. You can click the image to browse through the different values, or choose directly with the buttons.

[kml_flashembed movie=”https://eirikso.com/flash/ISOtest2-500.swf” height=”375″ width=”500″ /]

The example embedded here is small and doesn’t really show the images very well. If you have some patience and wait for the loading, I have also published a bigger version. And no, I’ve not made any fancy “loading-animation”. You just have to wait for the page to finish. And I know: Not very smart to let the camera change the aperture. Apart from the fact that it gives a nice demonstration of how the depth of field change…

Quick ISO test of the Canon 5D Mk II

12 thoughts on “Quick ISO test of the Canon 5D Mk II

  1. […] I praksis betyr dette at det er mulig å ta bilder man ikke kunne ta før. 1600 ISO er bra som noe annet, og 3200 gir flotte resultater uten skjemmende støy. 6400 er den “nye 1600 ISO”, man godtar ørlite støy for å få det gode bildet. 12600 og 25600 gir mulighet til å få tatt bildene som før ikke var mulige. Eirik Solheim har også gjort et par interessante ISO-tester. […]

  2. I love the amount of research you (and your companions) have done on the Mark II. It’s a real treat to be able to get this kind of comprehensive info on a product. How much of this work, as well as the publishing on NRKbeta in general, is done during your work time?

  3. The stuff I do here on eirikso.com is done in the eveninge etc. NRKbeta is mainly done during work hours, but we have to admit that we put quite a bit of evenings and weekends into it as well. I guess that goes for all people doing something they’re passionate about…

    And because my hobbies heavily overlap with my profession there are quite a bit of synergies. The aperture-tests I’ve made here will also be used in presentations and lectures at universities. And probably in an article over at NRKbeta as well. 🙂

  4. Nice shots Eirik. I’m not a camera expert so this definitely helped me get a visual understanding of the differences with speeds and light. I have been messing around with tilt shift in photoshop and think it is a neat technique.

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