More on the conversation and the content

Atle b has a comment on my article about the conversation society that deserves to be read:

Well, you’ve upped the ante – the Google count now stood at 54 – with three of the top five referring back here. How is that for instant visibility?

If you change the viewpoint slightly, there is already a term and a discussion – namely “conversational media” clocking over 56 000 hits. I view it partially as a spin-off from “participatory journalism” and other ways of saying user-generated content.

Which brings it back to your current topic of content – is it “content” when I say to my co-worker “Gee, it’s raining outside. Again.”? Does it become content if I post it to a MySpace page? Then how about if I type it in MSN? It is saved, it is visible and there are ads making it a commercial “channel”

The main problem I have with YouTube and MySpace is that they take ‘traffic’ from everyday actions, and make it into “The Next Big Thing”:

zapping the channels on the tv you can scan the 20 channels twice in five minutes – does that mean you have just had “40 video views”?

talking nonsense to a friend to pass time – is that debate and commitment?

Like Bruce Springsteen said – 57 channels and nothing on – so why not spend time mindlessly looking for that one great video on YouTube? While posting the best links to your friends MySpace page?

Having a blog and a couple of very intelligent readers is a nice thing…

More on the conversation and the content

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